Joyce Meyer: Increase Holy Spirit’s Anointing on Your Life by CHARISMA STAFF for Charisma Mag
There’s nothing more valuable than the presence of God in our lives. My goal for teaching about God’s presence and anointing is to increase your desire to completely and promptly obey God. The more we love, trust and obey God, the stronger His anointing will be in our lives.
Now, God’s love for you is perfect, complete and unconditional. He couldn’t love you any more than He does right now, and His love for you never changes. But we can grow in our love for God.
As we learn more about His character and have experience with Him through a personal relationship with Him, our trust in Him and love for Him grow. And this causes more of the anointing of the Holy Spirit to work in and through us.
Jesus Christ is the anointed one, so when we are born again, His anointing abides in us. The word “anoint” means “to smear or rub all over.” It’s wonderful to think about how in Christ, we are “rubbed and smeared all over” with the Holy Spirit.
In one way, the anointing is a free gift from God that comes by His grace and mercy, and in another way, there is a price to pay for it.
First John 2:27a (AMPC) says, “But as for you, the anointing (the sacred appointment, the unction) which you received from Him abides [permanently] in you.” Notice how this Scripture says that the anointing abides permanently—it won’t go away.
I also like that word “unction”—it’s like having Holy Spirit “umph!” or power to do what God is calling us to do. And it’s the gentle promptings, urges and leadership of the Holy Spirit in us that show us how to live. When we follow the anointing, we feel peace and joy because we’re making wise decisions.
More than anything else, we need to protect the anointing in our lives.
Though the anointing abides in us through our salvation, it can’t come through our lives until we are broken before God. That’s when the oil of the Holy Spirit in us is poured out and can be a benefit to others.
So what is it that needs to be broken in us? Things like rebellion, stubbornness, pride and a spirit that’s independent from God are a few areas of disobedience that can keep the anointing from working through us.